Lessons Learned From The Heard/Depp Case

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The Heard/Depp case flooded the news, our phones, and our conversations this past month. What traditionally transpires behind court doors amongst family, lawyers, the parties involved, and the judge was broadcast to millions across the world. Although the case involved one of the most recognizable actors and was a defamation case rather than a divorce proceeding, there are many takeaways. 

  1. Lawyers and legal counsel represent parties and advocates for parties by applying legal strategy to the details of the case. Although individuals may believe that they still have control of the narrative and outcome, the decision rests largely in the lawyer’s performance and the court’s judgement.
  2. There must be greater education on intimate partner violence and how domestic violence manifests.
  3. Substance abuse can be destructive of character. There must be substantive evidence and proof of the existence of uncontrolled substance use and how this impacts the home.
  4. Honest, clear communication, and credibility are crucial in any legal case, particularly those including a jury.
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